Member Benefits
Parrot magazine - 3 issues a year
Sales & services including books, leg-rings and other parrot related items
Monthly newsletter
Bird sales (from bird clubs and societies around the country)
Quarterly General Meetings - one held away from Auckland each year
Aviary tours
How to workshops - eg How to Handrear and Train Parrots
Information on Parrots in New Zealand - both native and exotic
Parrots for Sale and Birds Wanted - classified advertising
Parrot News in New Zealand - news on parrots in NZ both wild & captive
Support from and contact with other parrot owners around New Zealand
The Parrot Society's breeders have a wealth of knowledge but their priority is managing their own flocks. While they may take time to answer your forwarded query, please don't let this put you off asking a question.
Membership Type
Membership is for a 12 month period.
1 year individual subscription - $40 or 1 year partner subscription - $45
There is an additional $10 per year for members who wish to join the Northland branch as well.
( If overseas membership is required please email the membership secretary and we will get back to you )