Workshop and Extraordinary meeting - 4th November 2023
The day started with an Extraordinary Meeting where election of officers and committee was undertaken. The election of the officers and committee were unchanged from last year with the exception of the addition of David Graham to the committee, welcome David.
We also voted on remits to changes whereby our financial year now aligns with the IRD, a quorum for Ordinary, Extraordinary and AGM meetings has been reduced from 20 to 10 and the need for all members to be physically present at the meeting removed. All remits were passed.
The workshop then proceeded after a few teething problems with a Zoom presentation on Amazon parrots given by Jade Welch from Australia. This was followed by a presentation on incubation and hand rearing given by Mary-Lee Sloan and Hayden van Hooff.
Grateful thanks to all people who contributed food for the shared lunch and for all the donations for the raffle and auction which as always are highlights of the day. Also thanks to all the hard work put in by members to make the day the great success it was.

Annual General Meeting 2023
Saturday 29th July 2023
Location: Kumeu Community Centre
This year the guest speaker will be Brent Rubie, President of the Parrot Society of Australia and breeder of Macaws & Eastern Rosella mutations.
There will be an optional dinner on Saturday night after the AGM, please confirm with Hayden so he can book numbers a week prior.
Kumeu Community Centre details
Address: 35 Access Rd, Kumeu, West Auckland 0810